connectors in English have the function of joining and connecting two ideas.
As an
example of the above we have
"and"- in English. "Y"-in Spanish.
The function of these words is that by using them correctly they help us to better organize what we say and what we write in English.
Next we will show you the most used connectors:
connectors indicate that an opinion will be expressed:
I think: Pienso
I think she is the best candidate for the job / Pienso que ella es la mejor candidata para el trabajo
I believe: Creo
I believe I will get promoted soon / Creo que seré promovido (ascendido) pronto
Input connectors:
These are
the connectors we use to expose an idea. This is why they are placed at the
beginning of the sentence.
To begin : para empezar
To begin I’d like to talk about what we want to achieve / Para empezar me gustaría hablar de lo que queremos lograr
First / First of all : primero, antes que nada.
First of all, I’d like to thank you for being here. Then, let me introduce you my business partner. / En primer lugar, me gustaría agradecerle su presencia aquí. Entonces, déjeme presentarle a mi socio de negocios.
Add-on Connectors:
The following words are used to add an additional idea or meaning:
In addition: Además
I have good grades. In addition, I am part of the student committee / Tengo buenas calificaciones. Además, soy parte del comité estudiantil.
And: y
My friend Marco is friendly and outgoing / Mi amigo Marco es amigable y extrovertido
Actually: de verdad, en realidad
After all these texts, I can’t wait to actually meet John. / Después de todos estos textos, no puedo esperar a conocer a John
Also: Además o También
Yesterday I met Janice. She has a new job. I also met Ralph. He has long hair now / Ayer me encontré a Janice. Tiene un trabajo nuevo. También me encontré a Ralph. Ahora tiene cabello largo.
-These words are usually used when we want to exemplify or illustrate an idea:
For example: Por ejemplo
You can bring any drink to the party. For example: soda, beer or wine / Puedes traer cualquier bebida a la fiesta. Por ejemplo: refrescos, cerveza o vino.
Such as: Tales como
That restaurant serves international dishes such as lasagna, paella and burritos / Ese restaurante sirve platos internacionales tales como lasaña, paella y burritos
Cause & Effect Connectors:
These words indicate the causes or consequences of an event:
Therefore: Por lo tanto
I was at work. Therefore, I could not have committed the crime / Estaba en el trabajo. Por lo tanto, no pude haber cometido el crimen.
As a result: Como consecuencia o Como resultado
They didn’t hand in the paper. As a result, they failed the class / Ellos no entregaron el artículo. Como resultado, perdieron la asignatura o materia.
Since: Dado que o Ya que
Since you are sick, you do not have to come today / Ya que estás enfermo, no tienes que venir hoy
So : Así, De esta manera o Así que
I arrived early, so I had a cup of coffee before the meeting / Llegué temprano, así que tomé una taza de café antes de la reunión.
I recommend you to watch the following video to reinforce your knowledge about connectors, also, I invite you to access the link after the video where you will perform some exercises on connectors:
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