martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Can and can’t

     Can and Can’t

The verb "can" has two possible meanings in Spanish. One is the verb "to be able" and the other is the verb "to know". To know which meaning is correct, it is necessary to be attentive to the context of the sentence.

Present simple  (Affirmative)

I can

 you can

 he can

 she can

 it can

 we can

 you can

They can


-I can speak Spanish.

-He can swim well.

-We can see our neighbour in the garden.

-They can play the guitar.




The negative form of the verb "can" is "can't", which is the abbreviation for "cannot".

In informal language, both written and spoken, the form "can't" is generally used, while "cannot" is associated with formal language.


I can’t

you can’t

he can’t

she can’t

it can’t

we can’t

you can’t

They can’t


-I cannot play the piano.

-We can't go to the cinema tonight.

-She cannot speak French very well.

-He can't drive a car.

To reinforce your knowledge about the above, I invite you to watch this video!


In the following table you can perform the same activity, following the corresponding steps

 Video Talking about hobbies and interests

I invite you to see it, you will surely learn a lot since the  video is very interesting and easy to understand.




Extra activities


When we talk about hobbies we refer to hobbies or activities that are practiced for pleasure and in a recreational way in free time.

When we finish doing some activity like working, studying, etc. These are activities that little by little generate us stress and the best cure for this is to do activities that we like, like going to the movies, playing soccer, etc.

Below I will show you some of the most common hobbies that exist.


-Making sport

-Playing video games

-See movies

-Listen to music

-Playing board games

-Going to a mall


Among many other types of hobbies. I invite you to make a list of your hobbies and see what you think you would like to add to that list!


Here are an infinite number of sports such as basketball, soccer, swimming, etc. And they are practiced according to each person's taste; sports are practiced in two ways which are 



Competitive is practiced by people who like competition and practice day by day to be the best in their discipline. For recreation, it is practiced for personal taste, for fun or for a little distraction!

Below is a list of different sports.

Aerobics: Aerobicos

Archery: Tiro al arco

Badminton: Bádminton

Baseball: Béisbol

Basketball: Baloncesto

Beach volleyball / Sand volleyball: Voleibol de playa, vóley playa *

Boat race: Regata

Bowling: Bolos

Boxing: Boxeo

Bungee jumping: Puenting

Canoeing: Piragüismo

Chess: Ajedrez

Cricket: Cricket

Cycling: Ciclismo

Dancing: Bailar

Darts: Dardos

Decathlon: Decatlón

Fencing: Esgrima

Field Hockey: Hockey sobre hierva

Fishing: Pesca

Football: Fútbol (UK), fútbol americano (USA)

Futsal: Fútbol sala

Golf: Golf

Gymnastics: Gimnasia

Handball: Balonmano



miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2020

House objets

 House objects



My house

My house

The apartment where I live is small, is a sixth floor, has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen, a balcony and laundry room.

 In the master bedroom my mom sleeps, the room has a bed, window, TV, a mirror, a closet, a fan and a bathroom.

The second room is where my brother and I sleep and it has a bunk bed, window, a closet and two fans.

In the living room there is a TV, bathroom, sound system, dining room, sofa, a small table that accompanies the sofa, carpet, fan, lamp, some big windows that give way to the balcony and the computer table.

 In the kitchen there is the stove, a refrigerator, the drawers where the dishes are placed, microwave and sandwich maker. Right next to the kitchen is the laundry room and a washing machine.

Home of future

Home of Future

We always thought about how the houses could be where we could live in the future, in the following writing I will show you how the houses could be in the future:

 First the great novelty that will define the houses of the future is the Internet of Things. As its name suggests, this trend means that household appliances and objects will have their own Internet connection. The applications of IoT, as it is also known, are innumerable.

 Thanks to the Internet of Things our refrigerator will be able to order food at the moment it is spent or the washing machine, the detergent, for example. However, they will not only have commercial applications but also directly related to well-being.

 Perhaps the most surprising thing about the houses of the future has to do with big data and Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to the enormous amounts of information that the artificial intelligences that are going to manage our homes analyse and process, we have reached a moment in which they not only have the capacity to act on their own but also to learn

On the other hand, we also have to point out that housing construction itself will evolve. Non-polluting materials will be used that will offer the best energy efficiency and thermal and acoustic insulation. The new houses are destined to provide the greater well-being with the smaller consumption

In the following video they show us what a house could look like in the future:

Leave us your opinion in the comments about how you think the houses could be in the future


Saxon genitive

 Saxon genitive

The Saxon genitive is the grammatical construction used in English to express possession, that is, to indicate that something belongs to someone.

The Saxon genitive is a construction that does not exist in Spanish, since for these cases, the only thing we do in Spanish is to indicate that "something" is "someone's". However, in English, that "of someone" is contracted in an apostrophe + s or in a simple apostrophe if the noun is in the plural


-There are two ways of forming the Saxon genitive, depending on whether the noun is in the singular or in the plural. The components that form a phrase expressing possession in both cases are constructed as follows:

  • My sister’s son (El hijo de mi hermana)
  • The possessor noun + apostrophe + s + the noun that is possessed

-If the noun is in the singular, all we have to do is add an apostrophe +s to the noun designating the possessor


  • Woman + dog =  The woman’s dog  (El perro de la mujer). 
  • Boy + little chair = The boy’s little chair (La silla pequeña del niño ) 


-If the noun is in the plural, it will be even easier, since we will only have to add the apostrophe after the last letter of the noun designating the possessor.


  • Birds + egg = The birds’ egg. (El huevo de los pájaros)
  •  Parents + car = It’s my parents’ car. (Es el coche de mis padres)


-In the following table I will give you more examples of the Saxon genitive:

Saxon genitive exercises link:

Miembros de la familia

Members of the family

-Mother: Mamá

-Mom: Forma familiar de referirse a la mamá

-Father: Papá o padre

-Dad: Forma familiar de referirse al padre

-Parents: Padres, esta palabra incluye a la mamá y al papá

-Son: Hijo

-Daughter: Hija

-Brother: Hermano

-Sister: Hermana

-Aunt: Tía

-Uncle: Tío

-Grandparents: Abuelos, esta palabra incluye abuelo y abuela

-Grandfather: Abuelo

-Grandpa: Forma familiar de referirse al abuelo

-Grandmother: Abuela

-Grandma:  Forma familiar de referirse a la abuela

-Cousin:  Primo o prima, funciona para masculino y femenino

-Nephew: Sobrino

-Niece:  Sobrina

-Mother-in-law:  Suegra

-Father-in-law:  Suegro


Complete the following chart with what you learned earlier:

Punctuation marks

Point (.)

The most common use of the dot is at the end of a sentence, when we have finished stating a complete idea.


-->Johnny grew up in Birmingham in the 1980s. (Johnny creció en Birmingham en los años ochenta.).


Comma (,)

There are people for whom eating is like breathing, as it acts as a pause in the sentence. Its most frequent uses are:

 To separate sentences (grammatical structure formed by a subject and a predicate), especially when they are joined by: "and, but, so, or, nor, yet o for"


-->I hadn't finished my homework, but I decided to go out anyway (No había terminado los deberes, pero decidí salir de todos modos).

-->Sally was feeling upset, and Romesh was not helping (Sally estaba molesta, y Romesh no ayudaba).


 Semicolon (;)

The semicolon is like the big brother of the comma. You can use it when you want to join two separate (independent) sentences that are related to each other, but between which no conjunction has been used.


-->I clean my teeth everyday; I don't want to end up with tooth decay (Me lavo los dientes todos los días; no quiero acabar con caries).


Two points (:)

We put two dots before we write lists:


-->For your English class, you will need: a coursebook, a pen, a notebook, and a good teacher (Para la clase de inglés necesitarás: un libro de texto, un bolígrafo, un cuaderno y un buen profesor).

 We also use them to connect two independent sentences, when the second one expands, explains or adds information to the first one:


-->She had always loved grammar: she owned multiple dictionaries and had verb lists all over the walls of her study (A ella le apasionaba la gramática desde siempre: poseía múltiples diccionarios y tenía listas de verbos en todas las paredes de su despacho).


Apostrophe (')

Many people make mistakes with the apostrophe, but the rules are pretty clear. The apostrophe is used for contractions:


-->Es la chica más lista del colegio → She's the smartest girl in the school (She's = She is).

-->Estaremos allí a las 7 de la tarde → We'll be there at 7 p.m. (We'll = We will).

-->¿No crees que el verano es mejor que el invierno? Don't you think summer's better than winter? (Don't = Do not / summer's = summer is).


The other main use of the apostrophe is in the Saxon genitive, to indicate possession:


-->This is Dan's pencil case (Este es el estuche de Dan).

-->Leroy's jacket is brown (La cazadora de Leroy es marrón).


 Exclamation mark (!) and question mark (?)

The question mark in English always goes at the end of the questions, unless it is an indirect question that does not begin with an interrogative formula:


-->Ask in direct style: Where is the bank? (¿Dónde está el banco?).

  -->Ask in an indirect style with an interrogative formula: Would you mind telling me where the bank is? (¿Le importaría decirme dónde está el banco?).

 -->Question in indirect style:  I'd like to know where the bank is (Me gustaría saber dónde está el banco).


Be careful with the exclamation mark, as its use tends to be exaggerated, especially on social networks, where it is common to come across phrases like  “OMG!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!!”  In any formal writing, the exclamation mark should be used for only one thing: to exclaim, often in direct style:


-->''Hey!'' John shouted. "I'm here!'' (“¡Oye!”, exclamó John. “¡Estoy aquí!”).

complete the following picture by putting into practice what you have learned

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