martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Extra activities


When we talk about hobbies we refer to hobbies or activities that are practiced for pleasure and in a recreational way in free time.

When we finish doing some activity like working, studying, etc. These are activities that little by little generate us stress and the best cure for this is to do activities that we like, like going to the movies, playing soccer, etc.

Below I will show you some of the most common hobbies that exist.


-Making sport

-Playing video games

-See movies

-Listen to music

-Playing board games

-Going to a mall


Among many other types of hobbies. I invite you to make a list of your hobbies and see what you think you would like to add to that list!


Here are an infinite number of sports such as basketball, soccer, swimming, etc. And they are practiced according to each person's taste; sports are practiced in two ways which are 



Competitive is practiced by people who like competition and practice day by day to be the best in their discipline. For recreation, it is practiced for personal taste, for fun or for a little distraction!

Below is a list of different sports.

Aerobics: Aerobicos

Archery: Tiro al arco

Badminton: Bádminton

Baseball: Béisbol

Basketball: Baloncesto

Beach volleyball / Sand volleyball: Voleibol de playa, vóley playa *

Boat race: Regata

Bowling: Bolos

Boxing: Boxeo

Bungee jumping: Puenting

Canoeing: Piragüismo

Chess: Ajedrez

Cricket: Cricket

Cycling: Ciclismo

Dancing: Bailar

Darts: Dardos

Decathlon: Decatlón

Fencing: Esgrima

Field Hockey: Hockey sobre hierva

Fishing: Pesca

Football: Fútbol (UK), fútbol americano (USA)

Futsal: Fútbol sala

Golf: Golf

Gymnastics: Gimnasia

Handball: Balonmano

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